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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Weeding the bookmarks today ...

- Damian Thompson: Pope Francis inaugural Mass: can this extraordinary man save the Catholic Church?

- Sea slug gallery :)

- Leonardo Boff has this post at his blog: Was the Collapse of this Theology the Main Reason for the Resignation of Benedict XVI?

- Speaking of Boff, here's an old post of mine on an article about him by James Alison: James Alison on Leo Boff

- The Dalai Lama tweets :)

- Read about the (scary, I think) religious movement, Communion and Liberation (CL). Apparently, the late Cardinal Martini disliked it too.

- I saw this about the pope and the Falkland Islands dispute ... Pope Francis is wrong on Falklands, says David Cameron (the US is officially on Argentina's side)


Anonymous Henry said...

Hi Crystal,

It's been a long time since I've visited the blog and I am happy to see that you still your spunky self!

As you know, I follow Christ in CL and it's not as scary as you imagine it to be. Also, perhaps people should visti the CL website as well to actually see for themselves what this Ecclesial Lay Movement is all about - here is the link:

Good to see that you are well my friend and have a blessed Holy Week!


10:20 AM  
Blogger crystal said...

Hi Henry,

It's good to hear from you :)

Yes, I thought of you when I first read that the pope was interested in CL. I remember looking it up back when you told me about it and thinking that its roots in Italy seems worrisome. But on the other hand, the main thing you and I have in common is our spirituality ... maybe CL spirituality and Ignatian spirituality are similar, and that's why Francis is interested in both? Thanks for the link.

I hope you're well. Happy almost Easter!

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Victor said...

Crystal I had signed UP for the course but I chickened out at the last minute but I must thank you for this video. Maybe "I'M" not as chicken as i am scared that some will think I'M crazy and/or even worst, I might just Drive someone crazy\?

My progressive and regressive thinking of my past and future in the present time of my own life at this moment doesn't know what to do NOW. I'm still trying to find out what is truly good/bad and what is really keeping me away from GOD?

Example... visiting my brother Albert at a mental hospital. God Bless his soul but while he was still alive of course, he was having problems with his Mary, I mean married life and rightly so, he got committed for a month. I decided to pay him a visit on his third week and long story short, "I" made "IT" in the hospital to see him and while walking in there, there was not "ONE" staff person who talked and/or stopped me like "IT" was when I was committed. Longer story short, because of what had happened, "I" told Albert that "I" had been sent to take him home to which he seriously replied in so many words, "IT" is OK Victor cause I've only got two weeks left and I'll be OK. Go figure after Albert when back home he had become a changed man so GOD must exist.

Victor! Victor! Victor! We gods do exist and if YA can't love U>S usual sinners and forgive our sins, we want nothing to do with your so called "Jesus" followers and.....

And sinner vic, I do but me, myself and i will never accept your sins in other words, GOD (Good Old Dad) will never accept that their Empathy sins are OK NOW!

Really Victor butt even when about 4% of your Cat lick, "I" mean your Catholic priest have sexually abused so many children and some have even seduced wo man so why can't we allow "IT" to be so, in other words, why can't we accept the sin with the sinner?

Sorry sinner vic! "ME", "ME" and "ME" can't speak for GOD and HIS ANGELS NOW.

Go figure! :)


12:03 PM  
Blogger Victor said...

Sorry Crystal and Henry but believe it or not the hackers are having fun with me again.

lol :)

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Henry said...

Thanks Crystal. I don't think I ever told you but I actually got to Daily Mass at a Beautiful Church built and staffed by the Jesuits. So thanks to them and you I've read many books on Jesuit Spirituality. Right now I am slowly going through a book by Bernard Lonergan titled The "Dynamism of Desire". I think you’d like it and Prickliest Pear definitely would (A big hello to him since I see he still checks your blog sometimes!)

Amazon is selling for a ridiculous price though although there's a very good copy for $20 on there now!!!

A Happy and Blessed Easter to you and your sister!

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Henry said...

Here’s a description from the Institute of Jesuit Sources website - where you can buy a new copy for $33.50.

The Dynamism of Desire

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola have been continuously in print for 450 years. How explain, in human terms, the secret of its remarkable success? Father Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S.J., one of the foremost Catholic theologians and philosophers of the twentieth century, once cryptically remarked, "Thoroughly understand understanding, and you . . . will understand the broad lines of all that is to be understood." Now, Saint Ignatius was a mystic who was also a master psychologist. This book contends that applying Lonergan's "understanding of understanding" reveals how Ignatius hit upon the inbuilt dynamism of the human spirit toward authenticity and self-transcendence when he suggested ways to respond to God's loving initiative. The book of the Exercises is, in Lonergan's words, a practical manual providing a method of cooperating with grace. The strategic method of "exercises" provides, not a set of rules to be blindly followed, but rather a framework for creativity. Indeed, the Spiritual Exercises promote a creative (attentive, intelligent, reasonable, and responsible) acceptance of the gift of God's love poured out in the human heart by the Holy Spirit.

1:06 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Thanks, Henry.

I've net yet read any books by him, though I've read about him. I do think PrickliestPear is a fan of his. Maybe I can also find something by him at the library :)

2:23 PM  

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